Michel Maincent-Morel. The French Chef Handbook: La Cuisine de Reference

Michel Maincent-Morel. The French Chef Handbook: La Cuisine de Reference
The acclaimed La Cuisine de Référence is now available in its international English version: The French Chef Handbook. Own the keys of French culinary technique! This book is a study trip to France without the plane ticket. This bestseller, which has already supported over 800,000 professional chefs, can now be adopted by English speakers. Get ready to access the next cooking level with the complete content of 500 techniques, 1,000 recipes worksheets, more than 3,000 photos and a wide panel of 118 videos accessible by QR codes or URL to facilitate understanding. The French Chef Handbook / La Cuisine de Référence is a must have!
Michel Maincent-Morel. The French Chef Handbook: La Cuisine de Reference
Article 568137
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Высота, мм 391
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Номер варианта 946775
Производитель Michel Maincent-Morel
Страница производителя https://www.respublica.ru/authors/66905
Формат 26,8 х 39,1
Ширина, мм 28
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